Eye Doctor – Ophthalmologist



Head of Retina & Vitreous and Artificial Vision & Bionic Eye Units, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine – Vehbi Koç Eye Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Address: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology & Vehbi Koç Eye Hospital, Cebeci Campus, Mamak Yolu Dikimevi 06100 – Ankara / TURKEY

Telephone: +90 – 312 – 468 95 46
Fax:            +90 – 312 – 468 95 48
E – mail:      eozmert56@gmail.com

Academic Qualifications: ( all at the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine )

Professor:               1995 –
Assoc. Professor: 1989 – 1995
Residency:             1981 – 1986
MD:                        1973 – 1979

Current and Previous Relevant Positions:

2009 – 2011 Chairman of Ophthalmology, Ankara University
1995 – present: professor Ankara University  Department of Ophthalmology – Retina & Vitreous Unit
1992:  visiting doctor The New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Center
1986 – 1987:  research fellowship  The New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Center ( with Prof. Dr. Stanley Chang )
The Project ORBIS – Member ( 1986 )
Ophthalmology Alumni of the Cornell Medical Center (1987 )
Turkish Ophthalmology Society Medical Retina – Active Member ( 1989 )
ASRS membership ( 1991 )
Turkish Ophthalmology Society – Surgical Retina Board Member ( 2000 )
Turkish Ophthalmology Society – Board General Secretary ( 2001 – 2004 )
EVRS membership ( 2004 )
Turkish Ophthalmology Society – Board Member ( 2009 – 2011 )
Harvard Medical School – Visiting Professor ( 2011, 2013)
Coordinator of ESASO modules in Turkey: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 ( European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology )
ESASO Faculty member
Surgical Proctor for Argus II implantation Surgery (Second –Sight-USA 2017)

Brief Summary of Relevant Clinical Research Experience:
25 / 27 – G Vitreoretinal Surgery
Ophthalmic Microendoscope assisted Vitreoretinal Surgery
Diagnostic Endoscopy in Trauma and Uveitis Cases
Spectral OCT, En Face OCT, OCT-angiograpy
Fundus Autofluorescence
Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
Retinal Angiomatous Proliferation
Anti – VEGF theraphy
International multicenter Studies: Participated in Excite / Secure ( 2006 – 2009 ) Perspective ( 2007 – 2009 )
Micropulsed (SubLiminal) laser photositumulation in various macular edema
Endoscope –Assisted Argus II Implantation first time in the World (28 Dec 2015)

180 scientific papers
3 texbook chapters
Lectures, conferences, chairing sessions, oral presentations in Turkey, Europe and USA
Simulator training of vitreoretinal surgery for residents
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Courses
To organize Turkish Ophthalmology Society Board Examinations
International multicenter studies on anti – VEGF therapy
Ankara University Postgraduate Ophthalmology Courses: OCT Angiography
Surgical proctoring for Argus II epiretinal implantation in Iran,Taiwan (2017) and Singapore (2018)